
I was recently on a quick ‘girl trip’ to one of my favorite beach locations. While I was there I bought a beautiful Oracle deck called ‘Sacred Earth Oracle’ by Toni Carmine and Leela J. Williams. The artwork was done by Helena Nelson-Reed. Today I have been jumping between meditation, exploring cards, and refining my website to fit who I am today. As I sat to enter a new blog post, I chose a card with the intention of “what is a good message for the blog today?”

I pulled the card “Formation”. I mean, how can it possibly get any more pertinent than this? Here I am literally ‘forming’ my website (again) to fit who I have evolved into (again). Our evolution is an ongoing, never-ending process. Each time we make an energetic leap, we must then find ways to create new formations within our lives that align with who we are. Holding on to old patterns simply because “that is how we used to do it” no longer serves anyone.

The more we evolve, the more we heal our own wounds, the deeper we feel the emotions and energy around us. The clearer we see the world around us, and our part in it.

With the overturning of Roe v Wade in our country recently, I have felt my own inner being stirring once more. I have felt a calling to reach out to other women, and to help those women deepen their own sense of empowerment. In other words, I want to help them to ‘form’ the next iteration of their Soul’s expression.

Our world is in deep need of STRONG WOMEN who are compassionate, loving, and willing to heal…

Our world is in deep need of COMPASSIONATE WOMEN with a strong stirring for connection and nurturing…

Our world is in deep need of SPIRITUALLY EMPOWERED WOMEN who are ready to step into the light, who are ready to shine that light into all of the dark nooks and crannies of the world…

Do you agree?

It is time for the Rise of the Feminine energy. I feel it flowing through me with a strength like I have never felt before.

What has been forming in your mind lately? What is percolating within your being? Do you feel the stirring, too? I would love to hear your comments or stories in the comments below.